World Malaria Day 2024: Fighting Malaria through the HBHI Strategy

World Malaria Day 2024: Fighting Malaria through the HBHI Strategy
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World Malaria Day 2024: Fighting Malaria through the HBHI Strategy

April 25, 2024, is observed as World Malaria Day to raise awareness about the cause and prevention of malaria. Here is how WHO, the World Health Organization, is fighting malaria across the globe.

WHO has already started many efforts to combat malaria in the worst-affected countries so far. A strategy called High burden to high impact (HBHI) was started by the WHO in 2018 and aimed to tackle malaria by providing the best possible interventions and services.

Recently, the health ministers across many countries, with the HBHI strategy, announced their commitment to reduce the deaths caused by malaria and also pledged to address all the challenges against the spread of malaria.

The ministers also committed to providing services to remote areas across the globe. This declaration would mark a step forward in fighting malaria.