Twitter CEO shares, “Elon Musk decided not to join Twitter board”

Twitter CEO shares,
Twitter CEO shares, "Elon Musk decided not to join Twitter board"
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Twitter CEO shares, "Elon Musk decided not to join Twitter board"
Twitter CEO shares, “Elon Musk decided not to join Twitter board”

In an event of twists and turns, Elon Musk has expressed his decision not to join Twitter’s board of directors. A few days back, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk revealed his stakes in social media platform Twitter. Elon has a 9.2% stake thus becoming the largest stakeholder on Twitter.

Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal announced a couple of days back that Elon Musk will be joining Twitter’s board very soon. He was supposed to be on the board effective 9th April but was not to be. Parag Agrawal has today made it clear that Elon Musk has decided not to join Twitter’s board.

He tweeted, “Elon has decided not to join our board. I sent a brief note to the company, sharing with you all here.”

In the note, Parag mentioned that “Elon’s appointment to the board was to become officially effective 4/9, but Elon shared that same morning he will no longer be joining the board. I believe this is for the best.”

Parag has said that they will always be open to his input.