Indians to benefit as US panel recommends new Green Card application rules

Green Card new recommendations
Green Card new recommendations
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Green Card new recommendations
Green Card new recommendations

It is a great step for foreigners who are vying for a green card – a permanent resident card to live in the United States. On Thursday, the US White House Commission recommended that the travel documents required for the employment authorization card (EAD) should be issued at the initial stage of the green card application. The decision was taken to issue the employment authorization card.

It was approved by the White House Commissioner for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Affairs. This recommendation reached President Biden. If he approves, it will benefit thousands of foreign professionals, especially Indians.

Presently it takes a long time to get the green card approved. The company owner must first file an I-140 application on behalf of the employee. The next most important step is the adjustment of status, which is being issued at the I-485 stage of the EAD card. Along with this, advance parole of travel documents will be given. Now, with the new recommendations, it is going to be a huge benefit for those who seek green cards.