Lancet study: Indians use 500 Crores of antibiotics in a single year; Azithromycin tops the list

Lancet study: Indians use 500 Crores of antibiotics in a single year; Azithromycin tops the list
Lancet study: Indians use 500 Crores of antibiotics in a single year; Azithromycin tops the list
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Lancet study: Indians use 500 Crores of antibiotics in a single year; Azithromycin tops the list
Lancet study: Indians use 500 Crores of antibiotics in a single year; Azithromycin tops the list

The Lancet study in the recent report highlighted the excessive usage of antibiotics in India. The study revealed that in the year 2019, Indians have used over 500 crores of antibiotics with Azithromycin topping the list. The research was published in Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia. The study also revealed that most of these drugs were not approved by the central drug regulator.

The study further published that the regulation over the usage of antibiotics is essential because inappropriate usage of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance in the nation. The researchers said in the journal, that even though India is the largest antibiotic consumer in absolute volume, the nation doesn’t have a formal system of antibiotic use surveillance.

The study also revealed that overlap in regulatory powers between national and state-level agencies complicates the availability, sales, and consumption of antibiotics in India.