Srinivasa Kalyanotsavams organized in UK and Europe

Srinivasa Kalyanotsavams organized in UK and Europe
Srinivasa Kalyanotsavams organized in UK and Europe
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Srinivasa Kalyanotsavams organized in UK and Europe
Srinivasa Kalyanotsavams organized in UK and Europe

Srinivasa Kalyanotsavams were organized in the United Kingdom and Europe. APNRTS President Venkat S. Medapati said in a statement that with the association of TTD, Srinivasa Kalyanotsavams were organized in UK and Europe. APNRTS President Venkat S. Medapati said in a statement that under the association of TTD, Srinivasa Kalyanotsavams were organized in UK and Europe.

It is said that the Vedic scholars of TTD held Kalyanotsavams in Munich, Germany on the 3rd of this month, Frankfurt on the 5th, and Paris on the 6th of this month.