America’s crucial statement regarding the travelers to India

America's crucial statement regarding the travelers to India
America's crucial statement regarding the travelers to India
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America's crucial statement regarding the travelers to India
America’s crucial statement regarding the travelers to India

With reference to the COVID cases rising all over the world, America has been giving references to its citizens. It has been dividing the countries into different levels based on the number of cases in that particular nation. Initially, America hasn’t restricted its citizens from going to India but it has now made a crucial decision.

America has given a crucial reference for its citizens to travelers coming to India. It has asked the travelers to reconsider the journey. The COVID cases are on the rise again and in particular, India is witnessing lakhs of positive cases per day. In this regard, America has issued the above statement. America has said that with a high number of positive cases, it is not good to travel to India.

On the other hand, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has added India to the Level 3 list of countries.