TANA’s helping hands for the troubled Indian passengers

TANA's helping hands for the troubled Indian passengers
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TANA’s helping hands for the troubled Indian passengers

Telugu Association for North America (TANA) time and again has proved that they are there for the Telugu people as always. Recently, the TANA members made arrangements for meals on an emergency basis for Indians who were inconvenienced due to flight delays.

Going into the details, due to a technical glitch, An Air India flight scheduled to depart from Chicago at 12.30 on November 22 was grounded. Indians who were traveling on the flight had to stay at a nearby hotel. At the time of around 7.50 night, Air India stated they couldn’t provide meals to the passengers.

Then TANA came into action. Knowing the trouble Indian passengers are facing, TANA made sure the dinner is served within just 2 hours. Ravi Samineni and Hema Kanuru organized the drive.