Huge response to Chicago NATS Thanksgiving Back

Huge response to Chicago NATS Thanksgiving Back
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Huge response to Chicago NATS Thanksgiving Back
Huge response to Chicago NATS Thanksgiving Back

The North American Telugu Association (NATs) is moving forward with the slogan – “Language is a charm, Service is our destination”. The Association held Thanksgiving Back event in Chicago and it received a superb response. Around 100 students participated in the event with the slogan – “We are for the welfare of the society (Memu Saitam Samaja Hitam Kosam)”.

Hundreds of clothes and shoes were collected through Thanksgiving Back. These collections are donated to the Hessed House Homeless Shelter in Aurora, a suburb of Chicago. Chicago NATs leaders Sriharish Jammu, Narendra Kadiyala, and Veera Takkelapati played a key role in this event.

NATs Board of Directors Murthy Koppaka, Srinivas Arasada, Srinivas Boppana, and Ravi Srikakulam directed the program along with the leaders of Chicago NATs. Apart from them, Nats EC members Madan Pamulapati Vice President (Services), Krishna Nimmalagadda, Lakshmi Bojja, Bindu Veethulamudi, Roja Seelamshetty, Bharti Putta, and others contributed their part.

NATs Seva Awards were presented to the students who participated in this program.