Here are the 4 surprising benefits of walking

Here are the 4 surprising benefits of walking
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Here are the 4 surprising benefits of walking
Here are the 4 surprising benefits of walking

We all hear that daily walking is very beneficial to our health. Indeed, this simple activity has so much impact on our lives. These days, many doctors are prescribing their patients to have a daily walk. Here are some of the health benefits of making the habit to walk daily.

1. Daily walking counteracts the weight-gaining genes: A study proves that daily walking will counteract the reduction of weight-promoting genes by half.

2. Daily walking reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.

3. Several studies have found that daily brisk walking will ease joint pains.

4. Walking will help you protect yourself from cold and flu during the winter and rainy seasons. A study proves that those who walk frequently had 43 percent fewer sick days than the persons who exercised once a week or even lesser.