House of Manchus: Manchu family takes the Kardashian’s way

House of Manchus: Manchu family takes the Kardashian's way
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House of Manchus: Manchu family takes the Kardashian’s way

The Kardashians is a popular American TV series that revolves around the personal lives of The Kardashians. Now the Manchu family is taking the same route. Manchu Vishnu today announced the series The House of Manchus, which is supposed to be the series based on the personal lives of the Manchu family.

This series will be produced by Manchu Vishnu on Ava Entertainments and is claimed to be the biggest reality show in India.

A few days back, a video went viral, in which Manchu Vishnu was seen fighting with the close one Manchu Manoj. The video was deleted soon but the media focussed on that. There was a lot of talk that all is not well between the Manchu brothers.

Now, all that turned into a joke as that was made just for entertainment purpose.