Indian Students in UK opts for visa change: Is it legal?

Indian Students in UK opts for visa change: Is it legal?
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Indian Students in UK opts for visa change: Is it legal?

According to the latest study, Indian Students who have been to the United Kingdom on Study visas are changing their visas after landing in the country. United Kingdom government has recently made changes to the skilled workers’ visa eligibility criteria. According to it, acquiring skilled worker visas have been a fast and cheap route to acquire full-time employment in the United Kingdom.

Compulsory graduation has been removed from the eligibility criteria which makes more students opt for this route. Before entering the job market, students who complete their courses will have to pay expensive course fees and maintenance during their stay.

The study further reveals that already 10 percent of the students who arrive in the country on student visas have requested the change to skilled worker visas. It is a completely legal procedure.